So this weekend we decided to have my youngest daughters first birthday party. After much contemplating I went to the store and got the fancy cake decorating kit. I went to the store the first time and left without it but could not resist and had to go back, so here it is! Fancy, huh?
Being the novice baker that I am I get the great idea to stick the cake in the freezer. Easier to decorate a frozen cake, right? I wrapped the cake in wax paper and get my husband to help me carry the ginormous cake to the garage. We gently place it in the freezer and wait for it to freeze! The next afternoon I return to get my cake only to find that it had frozen to the bottom of the freezer! Note to self for the future, do not put warm cake on bottom of the freezer. After a slight heart attack, I grabbed the spatula and chiseled it out. So after five cake mixes, eight cans of frosting and an ice pick, here is the starting product.
Thank god for the crafty
Neighbah for remembering how to curl ribbon, you wrap it and stick it in the oven, who would have thought??
To our fabulous finished cake!
Birthday girl was not even interesed! What baby does not dive into the cake?
Happy birthday girl with the cake!
Anybody need a cake made!!?? I have learned I need a lot more practice before the next party!