Thursday, April 23, 2009

Alphabitty - Letter I

Welcome back to another Thursday and another week of Alphabitty Moments. Thank you to MaMaBear at For the Love of Family for this fantastic idea! Up this week the letter, "I" This week I chose Indescribable which basically sums up our honeymoon to Jamaica! We had a fantastic time and can't wait to go back! Sounds like a great anniversary present to me!! (I am hoping maybe, my husband will read the blog today!)

Thanks for stopping by. Join in on the fun and head over to see MamaBear!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

Welcome to another week of Wordful Wednesday being hosted by Angie over at Seven Clown Circus! This week I chose a picture of Mallory that I took last week. She made me take about 1,000 while she chose a different spot and pose. I think I should be worried.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Alphabitty - Letter H

Welcome to another week of Alphabitty moments this week the letter "H". Thank you to MaMaBear over at For the Love of Family for Hosting! It took me a whole week to think up this one and I can not take credit for the idea! This one came from my husband who pretty much spends most of his time with these things! H is for Helicopter, or more specifically the HH-60H. How is that for a bunch of H's? My girls are also fascinated with them and loved seeing all the pictures put together. So now I am all caught up with the letters, hoping I can keep it together for next week! See you then!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

Welcome to another week of Wordful Wednesday being hosted by Angie over at Seven Clown Circus.

We had some beautiful weather this weekend so we headed out to the beach with the Neighbah's. And it was a great opportunity for me to try out my new camera some more!

The girls had a great time playing on the water which is still too cold for me!

Have I ever mentioned how graceful Kailee is?? You can probably already figure out where this running in the water is going to end up.

Mallory loves the water and the beach!

Falling down in the water and for some reason she could not figure out why it tasted so bad??

Almost loves the beach more than posing for the camera, almost...

Monday, April 13, 2009

Alphabitty - Letter G

Thanks for stopping by! Alphabitty Moments was created by MamaBear over at 4 the Love of Family. I am still playing catch up so here is my letter G for Gorgeous Girls. I have three of them and they all love to pose for the camera! Thanks for stopping by. See you all Wednesday when I finally catch up...hopefully!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Alphabitty - Letter F

Hello all! Thank you to Mama Bear for hosting! I am a little late on the F, this should have been here last week but I figure better late than never! For the letter F this week I chose Furry Friends! These are all the pets in the house. We have Ada the German Shepard and Brown Cat the cat (yes he's a black cat, what can I say I was pregnant when we named him!) and Tank the Fox Terrier.

Thanks for stopping by, I am off to work on the letter G. I have to catch up with you all for next week!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

Hello! Thanks for stopping by on another wordful Wednesday being hosted by Angie. This week there are some pictures of Mallory at opening weekend for softball. It was a beautiful day and we all had a blast and left with red cheeks in the end!

She loves the camera!

I would love to say that she was concentrating intently at the batter but I think that a butterfly may have flown by!

An entire softball game is really hard to keep your uniform in shape!

Thanks for stopping by this week, I hope you'll come back!**

**Disclaimer** Yes I am posting wordful Wednesday on Thursday, I took too long trying to fix pictures and never got it up on time or my pictures fixed! I am working on it, maybe if I start now I will be on time for next week??!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

Happy 1st Birthday Lindsey!!!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is my first time for I heart faces, here it goes!

The kids entry for this week is pouting. Here is Miss Lindsey this summer at camp, however she is not a happy camper!

Pets entry for this week is anything goes! Our dog Tank and the cat, they really do love each other!

Thanks for stopping by this week, I hope you will join me!

Cake decorating 101!

So this weekend we decided to have my youngest daughters first birthday party. After much contemplating I went to the store and got the fancy cake decorating kit. I went to the store the first time and left without it but could not resist and had to go back, so here it is! Fancy, huh?

Being the novice baker that I am I get the great idea to stick the cake in the freezer. Easier to decorate a frozen cake, right? I wrapped the cake in wax paper and get my husband to help me carry the ginormous cake to the garage. We gently place it in the freezer and wait for it to freeze! The next afternoon I return to get my cake only to find that it had frozen to the bottom of the freezer! Note to self for the future, do not put warm cake on bottom of the freezer. After a slight heart attack, I grabbed the spatula and chiseled it out. So after five cake mixes, eight cans of frosting and an ice pick, here is the starting product.

Thank god for the crafty Neighbah for remembering how to curl ribbon, you wrap it and stick it in the oven, who would have thought??

To our fabulous finished cake!

Birthday girl was not even interesed! What baby does not dive into the cake?

Happy birthday girl with the cake!Anybody need a cake made!!?? I have learned I need a lot more practice before the next party!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Not me! Monday, Stellan style!

As we are all aware, Not Me! Monday was started by MckMama. "I created Not Me! Monday for the purpose of confessing our shortcomings and imperfections to each other since, after all, we are all only human!" (MckMama's words) Every Monday, you can find more "Not Me! Monday" at her site. However, this week, in honor of her and Baby Stellan, we're doing "Not Me! Monday - Stellan Style!"

Not me! Monday, Stellan style is being hosted this week by Emily.

Prayers for Stellan

This week I did not sit by my computer and wear out the refresh button checking MckMama's page hoping for an update on Stellan.

I did not wake up in the middle of the night, sneak down the stairs just to check twitter and pray for Stellan.

I did not ask all my friends and family to pray for this little boy.

I was not nervous and anxious every time I went to my computer to check on this little boy.

What did you not do this week in honor of Stellan??

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Alphabitty Moments - Letter E

Alphabitty Moments

This blog carnival was created by Mama Bear at 4 the Love of Family.

Hello all! Thanks for stopping by for my first Alphabitty Moment! So I am jumping on starting with the letter "E". "E" is for exhaustion, I thought it would be fun to take pictures of the family last night after they had fallen asleep. Enjoy!Alphabitty Moments

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

This is my middle daughter and husband just as he returned from his deployment to Iraq.
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What's the deal with that Wednesday?

Welcome Wednesday! I was sure I would not have a post for what's the deal with that Wednesday but then I went to my oldest daughter's first softball practice last night. I should start out with she is 5 years old. I got to the parents meeting and was handed a shopping list! She needs white baseball pants for now and in a few weeks when it gets warm, white shorts. Don't forget the red socks and special cleats to match. Practice will be twice a week with games on both Saturday and Sunday. I did mention that she was 5, right??

Monday, March 23, 2009

Not me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not tip toe past my sleeping husband on the couch so I would not wake him and I could have the bed all to myself.

I did not get up out of my chair to have my 11 month old daughter come up behind me and push the chair away. I definitely did not go back to sit in that same chair!

I did not lose the remote to the brand new Wii. I would not be that irresponsible, I know where everything is at all times. Since I did not "misplace" the Wiimote I would have never left the house at 11 o'clock at night with the neighbah to track down a new one!

Thanks for stopping by this week! What did you not do??