Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wordful Wednesday

Welcome to Wordful Wednesday! Wordful Wednesday is hosted by Angie over at Seven Clown Circus. Want to see more go check out her page!

Thanks for stopping by, this blogging thing is getting addicting! I'll have to thank my neighbah for that one! Here is a picture of the middle girl. I just got a new camera this week and wanted to play! She LOVES to have her picture taken so we're a great match!

Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your Wednesday!


  1. Yes this picture rocks! :) I knew I could get you as addicted as I am!!

  2. Yes this blogging thing is like crack I tell ya! It's fun though and the picture taking gets out of control too. I have started taking my camera everywhere and always wondering if and what is blogworthy! Sad I know.
